1. Air systems are much more reliable then bulky electric systems.
2. Air systems are quiet and smooth, electric systems are inherently noisy. 3. Air systems are always cool (Fonzie cool too!), no heat buildup from electrical motors and circuitry. 4. Air systems are low maintenance, electrical units require higher maintenance. 5. Our sliding operators sense obstacles and deactivate during closing, without the clutch chattering or expensive electronics the electric models rely on to stop. 6. James Bond, Star Trek, Star Wars, etc. door hiss sound can be pronounced if you're into that. A small air compressor can power several openers with only small tubing to each operator.Existing air compressors are often adequate to run Gentleman Door Products quite easily.
September 2024
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Gentleman Door Automation LLC | 109 Old Limestone Road Avondale, PA 19311
Toll Free 800-525-7078 or 610-268-3158 | www.GentlemanDoor.com
Toll Free 800-525-7078 or 610-268-3158 | www.GentlemanDoor.com